Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Chapter 6

1. Why is being alone a bad thing?
Being alone is bad because it shows you have too much time on your hand, and you need to be kept busy, it also could leady to sadness.
2. What do Lenina and Bernard do on their first date? Why is the ocean important? The moon?
Bernard  talks about the ocean and the waves and lenina is confused, its kind of weird to hear from him 
4. How does the date end? The date ends with a “sleep over”
6. How does the director feel about Bernard? Why is he warning him?
He notices a change, he is going to be watched, he tells him to stop thinking about and questioning society

7.What does his story mean? What does it show us about him?
He made some mistakes in his life, a lot that he isn’t particularly proud of.
8. How does Helmholtz feel about Bernard after he hears the story of the meeting with the director?
Really mad because his attitude and feelings.

9. What do we learn from the Warden? What are the reservations like?
That you you can’t escape, you are born into it and live there for your whole life.

10. What does the word Malpais mean?
iwherr Bernard and Lenina stay

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